Saturday, March 22 2025


Brokers are very complex in dealing with. Brokers are the only option to sell your securities that will help
you reach your financial freedom for the future. That means you have to work with the trustworthy and
Legitimate once.

No one will be glad to work with a Broker that is not trustworthy, With this article you will be able to
know who you are working with.
Legitimate Broker will make you access them easily. If a Broker is not giving you straight information,
then you might be in the wrong way.
Below are some things to note:

1. RESEARCH ON INDEPENDENT SITE: Website like TRUSTPILOT are very reliable in producing
information about all kinds of Companies. (which involves Brokerages).
This site is very reliable for the fact that the review left on it are of Customers only, which means
you will be 100% confident that the Broker you choose is tested and Trusted, since others as
recommend him.

You have to check the site thoroughly before leading to conclusion. Check out reviews and
comment, even if the broker is licensed Customers may have some negative experience about
the Broker. So check out reviews and comment well before leading to conclusion.

2. CHECK OUT SEC: A licensed and legitimate Broker must have registered with Security and
Exchange Commission(SEC) or Financial and Service Authority in the UK. There is a
Computerized database in USA called Central Registration Depository (CRD), this database store
records of Broker filings, registration and disciplinary action which as been taken against them.

This database can’t be manipulated, so it is very reliable. It allows you to build a clearer picture
of a broker/Brokerage past.

3. LISTEN TO PEOPLE YOU TRUST: if you have families, Neighbors, co-workers, friends or relatives
who work with brokers, it will be advisable if you seek advices from them about their past
experience. It won’t be easy to beat the words of someone you trust.

Since you believe those people won’t mislead you and won’t want to spoil their reputation by
connecting you to an untrustworthy broker.

4. SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO THE BROKER: You will definitely derive information about Broker by
speaking to them face-to-face. You will get opportunity to ask as many question as you like,
question like(Do they get fees for referring you, how do they get paid, how do they
communicate, is there any hidden fees) will be good questions to know everything about them.

If a Broker is finding it difficult to answer to those question then you should use your brain. A
broker should be very transparent to his or her customer, that means a broker should answer
any question that he suppose to answer.
If after you check all this point and you discover they suite your needs, then it is good to go for

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